Monday 2 December 2013

Think Different .

delivering quality for quality….

Back in 1997, Apple was on track to lose over $1 billion dollars, and desperately needed to find new software for its latest line of computers. So in a surprising decision, the company decided to buy NEXT for $400 million dollars. The innovative NEXT software gave Apple a much-needed edge, and that software would go on to become the basis for every Apple product that followed. 

But Apple also got Steve Jobs in the deal.

It didn't take long for him to get his hands back on the steering wheel at Apple, and when he did, he realized the company was in dire need of two things:

One: A re-focussed product line.

Two: An advertising campaign to tell people the company still had a pulse.

The first thing he did was re-hire Chiat/Day. Jobs asked the ad agency to come up with a bold new campaign to let people know Apple was back. One week later, Chiat/Day returned with a campaign that featured dramatic black and white photographs of people like Einstein, Thomas Edison and John Lennon.

Each one a hero of Steve Jobs.

All that accompanied the photos was the

rainbow-coloured Apple logo, and the words: "Think Different." Here's a smattering of the iconic posters:

You have to put the decision to run the Think Different campaign into context. To suggest that Apple could be put next to geniuses like Lennon and Einstein and Edison in an advertising campaign - at that point in their corporate history - was outrageous.

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